Looking to Enhance Workflow? LOS Pushback is for You
As the mortgage industry continues to progress into 2016, many organizations are consistently looking for new ways to increase efficiency and simplify processes in regards to the partnership between the LOS and third party vendors. While improving internal processes is nothing new, with the availability of greater data and customer information, the mortgage industry now has greater capabilities to enhance workflow and simplify the loan origination process. How? By taking advantage of available functionalities through data driven technology, such as LOS Pushback.
In an effort to provide further guidance on how Docutech’s LOS Pushback capabilities work and shed light on actual use cases, Docutech will present a new webinar solely focused on LOS Pushback. The webinar will provide attendees with valuable insights on Docutech’s LOS Pushback, such as:
• Inner workings of the functionality; and
• Key benefits to leveraging the capabilities.
When: The webinar will be held on March 30 at 11:00a.m. MDT.